Monday, April 19, 2010

What lies ahead...

The subject of this entry really has two meanings.

Many people have put in their valuable time in an attempt to expose Robbie Thomas (claimed psychic) with almost the only goal being to get Robbie Thomas to stop abusing people.

This site will be less of a blog and more of a referral source for the information on Robbie Thomas - it may change over time but the single focus will be on Robbie Thomas' horrible and despicable activities. 

For now, you may wish to refer to some blogs and links about Robbie Thomas pseudo-psychic:

And also...
If you have anything to add (keep in mind that we're just beginning), please email

(Note: Special thanks go out to a great number of people including (but not limited to):
Sherwood Skeptic, Reap, The Caughlin family, sadhatter, Mark Edward, sgf8, Sarnia Skeptic, Robo Sapien, Ghostboy, and the rest of the "Sarnia based hate group" as well as a number of businesses and individuals in Sarnia, Ontario who have come forward with financial and in-kind support - you know who you are.  Thank you!)